Merdeka PS3 WE09 Tournament - Summary

Final Results

Champion = E-One
1st runner up = G
2nd runner up = G
4th Place = Hafiz
5th-8th = Kepet, Effy, Effy, Khairil

Finalist from Qualifying 1 (8 slots):

1. Ahmad
2. Amir
3. Effy
4. Epol
5. G
6. G
7. Hafiz
8. Rahim

Finalist from Qualifying 2 (8 slots):

1. Amir
2. Azmir
3. Effy
4. Exiath
5. Hafiz
6. El Nino
7. El Nino
8. Pai

Finalist from Qualifying 3 (8 slots):

1. Amir Azlan
2. Amir Azlan
3. Epol
4. E-One
5. Grey
6. Kepet
7. War
8. Zam

Finalist from Qualifying 4 (8 slots):

1. Tebes
2. Pai
3. Azwan
4. Akmal
5. ED
6. Sweper
7. Azmir
8. Eleven

Congratulations to all winners and thanks to all participants.

Lastly, Let's Play Console Games